Control and kill any kind of piercing-sucking mouthparts insects such as rice thrips, brown planthoppers, Mealy bug,White fly in cassava, Cotton leaf hopper in okra
Activate by both touching and absorption to inhibit insects from sucking nutrient and laying eggs
Be able to apply by both pouring seeds and soaking stem cutting before planting
Usage :
rice, cassavas and other crops
Dosage :
Rice :
5 g mixed in 10 L of water for 1 bag (20-25 kg) of breeder seeds before 1 night of sowing
10 g mixed in 20 L of water (Spray for the outbreak of thrips in rice)
20 g mixed in 20 L of water (Spray for the outbreak of brown planthoppers in rice)
Cassava :
5 g mixed in 10 L of water for 10-20 minutes of soaking stem cutting before plating to protect Mealy bugs.
10 g mixed in 20 L of water for the outbreak of Mealy bugs
Other crops :
5-10 g mixed in 20 L of water for insect outbreak.