Alpha - Combi

Common Name :

(esfenvaierate)+ (fenitrothion)  1.25% + 25% W/V EC

Group :

3A + 1B


  • Prevent and control many insects such as cotton aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, flea beetles, rice leaffolders, common cutworms, leaf eating beetles, been pod borers.
  • Active by knocking, absorbing, touching and eating.
Usage :
  • rice, vegetables, field crops, cottons, marigolds etc.
Dosage :
  • 20 ml mixed in 20 L of water. Apply when the outbreaks of cotton aphids in cottons and leaf eating beetles in marigolds are founded.
  • 30-50 ml mixed in 20 L of water. Apply thoroughly when the outbreaks of thrips,rice leaffolders, common cutworms and flea beetles in kales.
Packing size :
  • 1000 ml

Remark :

Related products

Contact Us

T.J.C. Chemical Co.,Ltd.
56/19-20 Bisco Tower 15 Fl.,Sap Road, Si Phraya, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500
CALL : 02-235-2513
Office hours: Monday-Friday  08.30-17.00 น.
Day off: Saturday-Sunday and Holiday