Nominee Gold

Common name :

(bispyribac-sodium) 10% W/V OF

Group :




  • Control grass weeds such as Echinochlor-colana, Ischaemum rugosum and  Echinochloa colana(L.) Link
  • Control broad leaf weeds such as Sphenoclea zeylanica Gaertn, Jussiaea linifolia Vahl, Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) and Limnocharis flava (L.) Buchenau
  • Control Sedges such as Cyperus difformis L., Cyperus iria L. and Fimbristylis  dichotoma (L.) Vahl
Usage :
  • Post-emergence in pre-germinated direct seeded rice, dry direct seeded rice and transplanting rice for controlling grass weeds, broad leaf weeds and sedges
Dosage :
  • 40-80 ml of “Nominee” and 40-80 ml of “Sunbinder” mixed with 60-80 L of water for 1 rai (0.16 hectare) after 10-20 days of sowing rice seeds or transplanting rice
  • Drain water before chemical application and discharge water into paddy fields After 2-3 days of the application.

Packing size :
  • (100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml,1,000 ml)

Remark :

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Unity + Sumisoya
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Contact Us

T.J.C. Chemical Co.,Ltd.
56/19-20 Bisco Tower 15 Fl.,Sap Road, Si Phraya, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500
CALL : 02-235-2513
Office hours: Monday-Friday  08.30-17.00 น.
Day off: Saturday-Sunday and Holiday